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Self Care

Increase Productivity with Rituals and Routines

What are your work from home rituals?

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I'm leslie!

A boutique print studio owner living in Southern California. I help freelance print designers find their niche & market focus in the apparel industry, clean up & curate their portfolio and implement strategies for growth in their business!


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Being a new mom, I realize now more than ever the importance of rituals and routines in my daily life to increase productivity and boost my mood. A work from home day should include organized tasks, planning, a lunch break, a little exercise or quiet time and a hard cut off to enjoy my family.

Here are some of my simple rituals and routines that help to boost my productivity working from home.

In the morning, before I even open my eyes, I start with 3 deep breathes and with every exhale, I think of something I am grateful for. Then I drink a big glass of water and make the bed (if it is empty 🙂 I do an oil cleanse/massage and brush my teeth. It’s simple, but I feel like a million bucks before I even leave my bedroom.

Being a new mom, I realize now more than ever the importance of rituals and routines in my daily life to increase productivity and boost my mood.

For my workday I create a list of the 3 main tasks that need to be accomplished that day and then organize them into my daily work flow. For example, I do admin and email at the start of the day, social planning and creative work at night or when my son is napping (gotta get it in when you can!) Some days I might not get passed the admin/email portion, but I have learned that it is important to give myself some grace and leave things undone until the next day.

I like to be very clear on how my tasks are contributing to my overall growth. Are they sales focused, creative focused or client growth focused..? I make sure to reserve time each week & month to think about how my tasks are getting me closer to my big picture goals.

Have a cutoff time. When you are done for the day, make a quick list of things you will need to do the next day and note anything you that you left undone or anything urgent for the following day. Then, shut down and shut the door. If you don’t have an office door to close, close your laptop. If you use your laptop for other things during the day or later in the day, just create a little end of workday ritual that allows you to walk away from thinking about work. I used to have the hardest time with this, but I am a million times better at this than I used to be. And I am more productive!

Have a great week!


Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

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