Print Life Blog


Looking to the past to create newness

Looking to the past to create ‘newness’ is nothing new… ‘if we want things to continue…first, everything must change’ I heard the above quote at a forecasting seminar last week in LA, and it stuck with me. There are so many ways you can interpret this today, but for me…it isn’t about the idea of […]

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I'm leslie!

A boutique print studio owner living in Southern California. I help freelance print designers find their niche & market focus in the apparel industry, clean up & curate their portfolio and implement strategies for growth in their business!


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Looking to the past to create ‘newness’ is nothing new

‘if we want things to continue…first, everything must change’

I heard the above quote at a forecasting seminar last week in LA, and it stuck with me. There are so many ways you can interpret this today, but for me…it isn’t about the idea of looking to the past to create newness as much as it seems like a warning to avoid making the same mistakes we have made in the past.

Coming off of fast fashion as well as the issues currently facing the fashion and retail industry, we have to find ways to change the way we create. To slow down and create from a place of joy and alignment to the customers we serve. Fashion has always been about self-expression and finding a way to cut through the noise but it quickly became more about the ability to chase down every single trend, and quickly at that. We lost the concept of brand and identity as we all began to blend together.

We must go back to a time when we created with integrity and love of craft rather than creating from fear of missing out on a trend. Go back to creating something our customers will LOVE rather than repeating what worked last season. We have to look back to look forward.

How are you handling this trying time in our industry? Are you slowing down, taking stock and rethinking the way you work? Join like-minded artists in our private facebook group to join in on discussions that relate to our ever changing industry.

fast fashion, slow fashion, looking to the past

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